2012-04-12 02:31
哇 ~ 好久没读少女漫画了~
SugarSugarRune 真是个非常好看的漫画, 为何我那么迟读 !! >w<
从头到尾都有doki doki, fuwa fuwa 的感觉 <3
还没读的要去读...漫画跟动画相差很多 .. 漫画好看!! >w<b
2012-04-09 22:12
就最近也更新了自己的‘相册’,所以在wc播了几张图让他人知道我更新了那些超久的外拍照片 XD
让我那么兴奋一整晚 是因为麗華既然喜欢上了我千里千寻的cos照 >W<
虽然实事上大家都喜爱那 图都是因为那一级棒的无面人[cn:bob],和摄影师;Blur 的神手技巧拍出那美图 而我只是拿花瓶罢了 呵呵 但让偶像终于看到了自己的存在 真是太高兴了 T3T
说实话 它的确是我见过最真实的无面人!!很荣幸可以和他合作~
现场看到它更会爱上它 <3 Bob 他花了很多心思和努力去制造那面具,过程都非常复杂和考耐心!!
*虽然说不会去理睬那排名[假] 但 还是很荣幸这张图 有那么多人的喜爱 <3

YOSH!!! 会带更多 宫崎骏的爱 给大家 <3
2012-04-09 21:42
原本如平时一小时就可以到家,就因为下大雨路途大水灾 ..
搞得三更半夜才到家 =血=
算了。 得开工,这月虽然只得做4套服装.. 但都是隔一星期两个 T3T
加油!! 都还没开始做幽灵公主的面具 OTL
2012-03-29 16:57
Just a thought, cosplay photo sharing site/pages are flooding now.
What is your feeling if your cosplay photos are posted up without your permission?
One couldnt just take a person's artwork (photo) and post without permission, well that's true.
But sometime a cosplay photos is so inspiring and beautiful that you must share it with others.
I understand why people would just skip the permission part and post the photos.
Through my experience from Let's Cosplay << onemanblog,
it's really tiring to go mail cosplayers one by one for permission some reply some may not.
In my opinion, when it comes to cosplay photos.. it's sort of different from others I guess.
Last time, I would go rage and report if anyone posted my cosplay photos without asking
.. but now I wouldnt care more. =/
Well, I got these comments back then,
Why would you post in the internet if you wouldnt want to share? It's internet.
If people are spreading your cosplay photos around isnt it a great thing?
which means others does admire your cosplay works. So I dont see anything wrong with that. >w<
If the photos is used for self purposes, like making it as profile photo, claming photo as self, etc
well that's absolutely unforgiveable ><
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