Cosfest has finally ended, and it's time to pack up and head back to Msia.
My half packed luggage =D
Everyone has done their packing and ready to set off.
After cleaning up.. a little.

Under the epic hot sun .. Zzz
Ahh.. stocking's neko!
One Chicken Rice.. thanks Windy!!!~ >w<
Stalk! ohoho!! >D
I really had a fun trip. Although I've been to Singapore event many times last year, but this is definitely a memorable one! Traveling with friends is more fun and crazy!
I'm glad that I've met much people during this trip, and everyone is friendly to me TwT
Thank you everyone for your lovely coscards treasure it a lot , and sorry for my 'taktaumalu' coscards and sorry if I forced anyone to take my fugly cards .. OTL
Just to say again, it's an AWESOME trip!!! THANK YOU EVERYONEEE!!!!~
Jom! Let's do this again ..!!